How to make money from blogging with affiliate marketing. Maaf sebab saya perlu menulis tajuk di dalam bahasa Inggeris. Ia memang disengajakan untuk menarik lebih ramai rakan blogger terutama yang menulis dalam bahasa Inggeris untuk menyertai program affiliate.

Saya bersungguh-sungguh mahu menarik lebih ramai rakan blogger untuk ketahui potensi besar menjana pendapatan menerusi program affiliate ini. Bukan setakat di kalangan blogger yang menulis dalam bahasa Melayu, tetapi juga rakan blogger yang menulis dalam bahasa Inggeris.

How To Make Money From Blogging With Affiliate Marketing

Saya sukacita nak kongsikan sebuah artikel yang telah ditulis oleh Janice Chan, salah seorang kenalan yang merupakan pegawai pemasaran affiliate di bawah Involve Asia. Artikel ini di dalam bahasa Inggeris, dan saya harap ia memberikan kefahaman am buat rakan blogger yang lebih fasih dalam bahasa Inggeris untuk faham tentang program affiliate ini.
Bloggers are increasingly using affiliate marketing as a hedge against the volatility of programmatic ad pricing models and is becoming a significant way to generate revenue. The amount of revenue that’s generated by a blog with affiliate links may vary depending on the amount of traffic a blog gets as well as the commissions from each affiliate program.

To help you get started if you’re a noob in these things, we’ll discuss some aspects of affiliate marketing that bloggers need to understand including selecting opportunities carefully, and how they can maximize the earning potential and yield from the affiliate program opportunities.

Find An Affiliate Partner

There are a lot of affiliate marketing opportunities available. In most cases, the simplest ones are all self-served and have no interaction with you at all. Some programs itself may even be based on approval basis, and it will depend on the relevancy and quality of the content you create before you can start promoting a program.

This is why it’s so important to be in touch with an affiliate partner that can guide you into success.

Having said that, your affiliate partner would advise that a well-focused blog that is reaching a specific target audience should seek to display marketing links directing website traffic to companies which complement the blog without acting as direct competition to the blog. Thus, maximizing the earning potential of your content.

Maximizing Affiliate Marketing Opportunities

Once you’ve identified the partners and opportunities available, it’s time to get good at it. You’ll want to make some profit with these links. There are a few factors which blog owners should consider.

Check out the list below:

1. Always check your analytics

You’ll have to monitor your performance and evaluate the effectiveness of the affiliate links by comparing the percentage of visitors who click versus the overall blog traffic. If you have a high volume of visitors, but low volume of clicks, you should consider making changes to either your content or the affiliate program you are promoting to get some result.

2. As such, with data from analytics, you can efficiently run experiments of such, like A/B testing.

3. Making only one change at a time is recommended because it makes it easier for the blog owner to evaluate which changes are most beneficial.

Understanding Affiliate Marketing Requirements

Not all programs are created equal, and some come with strict requirements. Before you start promoting a program, always check its offer description to ensure you’re not breaking the rules. Advertisers have no qualms in scrubbing your commissions if they catch you breaking the rules.
Want to join as our affiliate partner? Sign-up free here -

Saya harap perkongsian daripada Janice Chan ini dapat terangkan secara am (dalam bahasa Inggeris) tentang program affiliate. Buat mereka yang tak tahu cara nak daftar program affiliate bersama Involve Asia, boleh rujuk ni - Cara Daftar Affiliate Percuma InvolveAsia

Nak tahu tak berapa saya dapat menerusi program affiliate ini?

Oppss .. tak leh tunjuk sebenarnya hasil ni, tapi cukup anda tahu bahawa program affiliate memang membayar. Tak rugi anda sertai kerana ianya percuma.

Boleh juga anda rujuk ini - Panduan Affiliate Power Untuk Newbie

Semoga bermanfaat.

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